
Cookie Policy

This policy explains what cookies are and how we use them on this website. You should read this policy so you can understand the type of cookies that we use, the information we collect using them, how we use that information, and how you can opt out.

We are committed to protecting your privacy. We only ever collect information from you that helps us to help you get the most out of your visit to our websites.

For more details, please read our full Privacy Policy.

What Are Cookies?

A cookie is a small text file which is saved onto your computer by websites the you visit. The files are stored in your browser or on your computer or device. The cookie isn’t a program and doesn’t actively do anything on your computer.

Why Do We Use Cookies?

We use cookies to help personalize your website browsing experience and make our website easier to use, and if you are registered for our email newsletter, to ensure all our communications are relevant to you. We use cookies so that our website can remember what you have done while browsing, for instance, what you have searched for, and how far you have progressed when making a enquiry.

Our use of cookies is governed by our Privacy Policy, which forms part of our Terms & Conditions.

What Type Of Cookies Do We Use?

There are two types of cookie: session cookies and persistent cookies. Session cookies are deleted from your computer or device when you close your web browser. Persistent cookies remain stored on your computer or device until they are deleted or they reach their expiry date. We use the following cookies:

Analytical/Performance Cookies

These cookies allow us to count the number of individual visitors to our website and to see how they move around the website when they are using it. This helps us to improve the way our website works, for example, by making it easier to find things.

Functionality Cookies

These cookies are used to recognize you when you return to our website. This enables us to personalize our content for you, such as remembering your holiday search preferences. It also allows for live chat support during your browsing experience.

Targeting Cookies

These cookies record your visit to our website, pages you have visited and links that you follow. We use this information to make the advertising shown on our website more relevant to your interests. We may also share this information with third parties to make our advertising on their websites more relevant to your interests. These cookies also allow you to share and send information to other websites.

What Kind Of Information Do We Collect With Our Cookies?

When you visit our website, we may collect the following types of information from you: your IP (internet protocol) address, operating system, browser and device type, time zone setting, your country, the URL you came from, search details that you enter in our website, products you viewed or searched, page response times, website errors, length of time spent viewing pages, page interaction information, and the methods used to browse away from the page.

Opting Out Of Accepting Cookies

Because of the way our website operates, cookies are needed to allow some of its features to work and therefore we recommend that you accept them.

If you choose to opt out of receiving our cookies, you can still use our website, but some functions may work less smoothly and others may not work at all, for example, you will not be able to make a booking online.

If you do decide to opt out, you can adjust the settings on your internet browser to prevent cookies being downloaded. How to do this varies according to which browser you are using, so click help in your browser menu to find out more. You can also opt out of receiving specifically those cookies we use to track how people are using our site: details can be found in our Privacy Policy.

To find out more about cookies and how to delete and control them, visit www.aboutcookies.org.

How Can We Change The Cookie Policy?

We keep our cookie policy under regular review. Changes in technology, legislation and authorities’ guidance may require us to inform you of the activities we undertake where it affects your privacy rights. You should check this page occasionally to ensure you are familiar with any changes.

If material changes are made to the Cookie Policy, for instance affecting how we would like to use your personal information, we will provide a more prominent notice.

You can access this policy at any time through the link at the bottom of our website.

Cookie Policy

This policy explains what cookies are and how we use them on this website. You should read this policy so you can understand the type of cookies that we use, the information we collect using them, how we use that information, and how you can opt out.

We are committed to protecting your privacy. We only ever collect information from you that helps us to help you get the most out of your visit to our websites.

For more details, please read our full Privacy Policy.

What Are Cookies?

A cookie is a small text file which is saved onto your computer by websites the you visit. The files are stored in your browser or on your computer or device. The cookie isn’t a program and doesn’t actively do anything on your computer.

Why Do We Use Cookies?

We use cookies to help personalize your website browsing experience and make our website easier to use, and if you are registered for our email newsletter, to ensure all our communications are relevant to you. We use cookies so that our website can remember what you have done while browsing, for instance, what you have searched for, and how far you have progressed when making a enquiry.

Our use of cookies is governed by our Privacy Policy, which forms part of our Terms & Conditions.

What Type Of Cookies Do We Use?

There are two types of cookie: session cookies and persistent cookies. Session cookies are deleted from your computer or device when you close your web browser. Persistent cookies remain stored on your computer or device until they are deleted or they reach their expiry date. We use the following cookies:

Analytical/Performance Cookies

These cookies allow us to count the number of individual visitors to our website and to see how they move around the website when they are using it. This helps us to improve the way our website works, for example, by making it easier to find things.

Functionality Cookies

These cookies are used to recognize you when you return to our website. This enables us to personalize our content for you, such as remembering your holiday search preferences. It also allows for live chat support during your browsing experience.

Targeting Cookies

These cookies record your visit to our website, pages you have visited and links that you follow. We use this information to make the advertising shown on our website more relevant to your interests. We may also share this information with third parties to make our advertising on their websites more relevant to your interests. These cookies also allow you to share and send information to other websites.

What Kind Of Information Do We Collect With Our Cookies?

When you visit our website, we may collect the following types of information from you: your IP (internet protocol) address, operating system, browser and device type, time zone setting, your country, the URL you came from, search details that you enter in our website, products you viewed or searched, page response times, website errors, length of time spent viewing pages, page interaction information, and the methods used to browse away from the page.

Opting Out Of Accepting Cookies

Because of the way our website operates, cookies are needed to allow some of its features to work and therefore we recommend that you accept them.

If you choose to opt out of receiving our cookies, you can still use our website, but some functions may work less smoothly and others may not work at all, for example, you will not be able to make a booking online.

If you do decide to opt out, you can adjust the settings on your internet browser to prevent cookies being downloaded. How to do this varies according to which browser you are using, so click help in your browser menu to find out more. You can also opt out of receiving specifically those cookies we use to track how people are using our site: details can be found in our Privacy Policy.

To find out more about cookies and how to delete and control them, visit www.aboutcookies.org.

How Can We Change The Cookie Policy?

We keep our cookie policy under regular review. Changes in technology, legislation and authorities’ guidance may require us to inform you of the activities we undertake where it affects your privacy rights. You should check this page occasionally to ensure you are familiar with any changes.

If material changes are made to the Cookie Policy, for instance affecting how we would like to use your personal information, we will provide a more prominent notice.

You can access this policy at any time through the link at the bottom of our website.

Cookie Policy

This policy explains what cookies are and how we use them on this website. You should read this policy so you can understand the type of cookies that we use, the information we collect using them, how we use that information, and how you can opt out.

We are committed to protecting your privacy. We only ever collect information from you that helps us to help you get the most out of your visit to our websites.

For more details, please read our full Privacy Policy.

What Are Cookies?

A cookie is a small text file which is saved onto your computer by websites the you visit. The files are stored in your browser or on your computer or device. The cookie isn’t a program and doesn’t actively do anything on your computer.

Why Do We Use Cookies?

We use cookies to help personalize your website browsing experience and make our website easier to use, and if you are registered for our email newsletter, to ensure all our communications are relevant to you. We use cookies so that our website can remember what you have done while browsing, for instance, what you have searched for, and how far you have progressed when making a enquiry.

Our use of cookies is governed by our Privacy Policy, which forms part of our Terms & Conditions.

What Type Of Cookies Do We Use?

There are two types of cookie: session cookies and persistent cookies. Session cookies are deleted from your computer or device when you close your web browser. Persistent cookies remain stored on your computer or device until they are deleted or they reach their expiry date. We use the following cookies:

Analytical/Performance Cookies

These cookies allow us to count the number of individual visitors to our website and to see how they move around the website when they are using it. This helps us to improve the way our website works, for example, by making it easier to find things.

Functionality Cookies

These cookies are used to recognize you when you return to our website. This enables us to personalize our content for you, such as remembering your holiday search preferences. It also allows for live chat support during your browsing experience.

Targeting Cookies

These cookies record your visit to our website, pages you have visited and links that you follow. We use this information to make the advertising shown on our website more relevant to your interests. We may also share this information with third parties to make our advertising on their websites more relevant to your interests. These cookies also allow you to share and send information to other websites.

What Kind Of Information Do We Collect With Our Cookies?

When you visit our website, we may collect the following types of information from you: your IP (internet protocol) address, operating system, browser and device type, time zone setting, your country, the URL you came from, search details that you enter in our website, products you viewed or searched, page response times, website errors, length of time spent viewing pages, page interaction information, and the methods used to browse away from the page.

Opting Out Of Accepting Cookies

Because of the way our website operates, cookies are needed to allow some of its features to work and therefore we recommend that you accept them.

If you choose to opt out of receiving our cookies, you can still use our website, but some functions may work less smoothly and others may not work at all, for example, you will not be able to make a booking online.

If you do decide to opt out, you can adjust the settings on your internet browser to prevent cookies being downloaded. How to do this varies according to which browser you are using, so click help in your browser menu to find out more. You can also opt out of receiving specifically those cookies we use to track how people are using our site: details can be found in our Privacy Policy.

To find out more about cookies and how to delete and control them, visit www.aboutcookies.org.

How Can We Change The Cookie Policy?

We keep our cookie policy under regular review. Changes in technology, legislation and authorities’ guidance may require us to inform you of the activities we undertake where it affects your privacy rights. You should check this page occasionally to ensure you are familiar with any changes.

If material changes are made to the Cookie Policy, for instance affecting how we would like to use your personal information, we will provide a more prominent notice.

You can access this policy at any time through the link at the bottom of our website.

Политика использования файлов cookie

Эта политика объясняет, что такое куки и как мы используем их на этом сайте. Вам следует ознакомиться с этой политикой, чтобы вы могли понять тип файлов cookie, которые мы используем, информацию, которую мы собираем, используя их, как мы используем эту информацию и как вы можете отказаться от нее.

Мы стремимся защитить вашу личную жизнь. Мы собираем от вас только ту информацию, которая помогает нам получить максимальную отдачу от посещения наших веб-сайтов.

Для получения более подробной информации, пожалуйста, прочитайте нашу полную политику конфиденциальности.

Что такое куки?

Cookie - это небольшой текстовый файл, который сохраняется на вашем компьютере веб-сайтами, которые вы посещаете. Файлы хранятся в вашем браузере или на вашем компьютере или устройстве. Файл cookie не является программой, и он ничего не делает на вашем компьютере.

Почему мы используем куки?

Мы используем файлы cookie, чтобы персонализировать работу с вашим веб-сайтом и упростить использование нашего веб-сайта, а также, если вы зарегистрированы для получения нашей рассылки по электронной почте, чтобы обеспечить актуальность всех наших сообщений. Мы используем файлы cookie, чтобы наш веб-сайт мог помнить, что вы сделали во время просмотра, например, что вы искали и как далеко вы продвинулись при выполнении запроса.

Наше использование файлов cookie регулируется нашей политикой конфиденциальности, которая является частью наших положений и условий.

Какой тип куки мы используем?

Существует два типа файлов cookie: сеансовые и постоянные. Сеансовые куки удаляются с вашего компьютера или устройства при закрытии веб-браузера. Постоянные файлы cookie сохраняются на вашем компьютере или устройстве до тех пор, пока они не будут удалены или пока не истечет их срок годности. Мы используем следующие куки:

Аналитические / Производительные файлы cookie

Эти куки позволяют нам подсчитывать количество отдельных посетителей нашего сайта и видеть, как они перемещаются по сайту, когда они его используют. Это помогает нам улучшить работу нашего сайта, например, упрощая поиск вещей.

Функциональность Cookies

Эти файлы cookie используются для распознавания вас, когда вы возвращаетесь на наш веб-сайт. Это позволяет нам персонализировать наш контент для вас, например, запоминать ваши настройки поиска в отпуске. Он также позволяет поддерживать чат в режиме реального времени во время просмотра.

Таргетинг куки

Эти файлы cookie регистрируют ваше посещение нашего веб-сайта, посещенные вами страницы и ссылки, по которым вы переходите. Мы используем эту информацию для того, чтобы реклама, представленная на нашем сайте, более соответствовала вашим интересам. Мы также можем передавать эту информацию третьим сторонам, чтобы сделать нашу рекламу на их веб-сайтах более соответствующей вашим интересам. Эти файлы cookie также позволяют вам делиться информацией и отправлять ее на другие веб-сайты.

Какую информацию мы собираем с помощью наших файлов cookie?

Когда вы посещаете наш веб-сайт, мы можем собирать от вас следующие типы информации: ваш IP-адрес (интернет-протокол), операционную систему, тип браузера и устройства, настройку часового пояса, вашу страну, URL-адрес, с которого вы пришли, сведения о поиске, которые вы введите на нашем веб-сайте, продукты, которые вы просматривали или искали, время отклика страницы, ошибки веб-сайта, время, затраченное на просмотр страниц, информацию о взаимодействии страниц и методы, используемые для перехода от страницы.

Отказ от принятия файлов cookie

В связи с тем, как работает наш веб-сайт, файлы cookie необходимы для работы некоторых его функций, и поэтому мы рекомендуем вам их принять.

Если вы решите отказаться от получения наших файлов cookie, вы все равно можете использовать наш веб-сайт, но некоторые функции могут работать не так гладко, а другие могут вообще не работать, например, вы не сможете сделать бронирование онлайн.

Если вы решите отказаться, вы можете настроить параметры своего интернет-браузера, чтобы предотвратить загрузку файлов cookie. Как это сделать, зависит от того, какой браузер вы используете, поэтому нажмите кнопку «Помощь» в меню браузера, чтобы узнать больше. Вы также можете отказаться от получения именно тех файлов cookie, которые мы используем для отслеживания того, как люди используют наш сайт: подробности можно найти в нашей Политике конфиденциальности.

Чтобы узнать больше о cookie-файлах и о том, как их удалять и контролировать, посетите www.aboutcookies.org.

Как мы можем изменить политику использования файлов cookie?

Мы регулярно пересматриваем нашу политику в отношении файлов cookie. Изменения в технологии, законодательстве и руководящих указаниях властей могут потребовать от нас информировать вас о действиях, которые мы предпринимаем, если это затрагивает ваши права на неприкосновенность частной жизни. Вам следует периодически проверять эту страницу, чтобы убедиться, что вы знакомы с любыми изменениями.

В случае внесения существенных изменений в Политику использования файлов cookie, например, в отношении того, как мы хотели бы использовать вашу личную информацию, мы предоставим более заметное уведомление.

Вы можете получить доступ к этой политике в любое время по ссылке внизу нашего сайта.

Sitemizdeki hizmetlerimizi daha etkin bir şekilde sunabilmek için yasal düzenlemelere uygun çerezler (cookies) kullanıyoruz. Detaylı bilgi için Gizlilik Politikası sayfamızı ziyaret edebilirsiniz.