
Protso Group

About Us

The Travel Management Company Protso TMC, whose name comes from the abbreviation "Professional Travel Service", was founded in Tallinn, Estonia in 2018, Two years later, The Destination Management Company Protso DMC was founded in Antalya, Turkey with the same philosophy of offering professional travel solutions especially in "incoming tourism".

The entrepreneurs of the Protso Group have many years of experience in the tourism industry that has been passed on from grandparents. Due to the effective supply chain mechanism, customer and solution-oriented approach, young entrepreneurs have already achieved to plan and coordinate travel services in numerous popular travel destinations.

Due to the multiple companies, Protso Group offers their partners and customers in many countries a variety of cooperation opportunities.

We don't claim that we are the best, we believe that we are getting better every day.

Our Mission

To become the preferred leading European travel agency and tour operator with a global coverage of destinations by placing products respectful to the local cultures, providing efficient solutions at business and leisure travels in context of safe and responsible tourism.

Our Vision

To be a travel agency and a tour operator with continued growth, loyal customer care, low unit cost, a well engaged staff, who is able to provide outstanding travel & event experiences by creating tailor-made - inspiring journeys, meetings, events, incentive trips which enables Protso Group to have a leader market positioning at global travel solutions.

Core Values
  • Fair Trade and Transparent Business
  • Teamwork
  • Customer Care and Satisfaction
  • Solution Oriented Approach
  • Productivity - Teamwork
  • Leadership - Accessibility - Innovation
About Us

The Travel Management Company Protso TMC, whose name comes from the abbreviation "Professional Travel Service", was founded in Tallinn, Estonia in 2018, Two years later, The Destination Management Company Protso DMC was founded in Antalya, Turkey with the same philosophy of offering professional travel solutions especially in "incoming tourism".

The entrepreneurs of the Protso Group have many years of experience in the tourism industry that has been passed on from grandparents. Due to the effective supply chain mechanism, customer and solution-oriented approach, young entrepreneurs have already achieved to plan and coordinate travel services in numerous popular travel destinations.

Due to the multiple companies, Protso Group offers their partners and customers in many countries a variety of cooperation opportunities.

We don't claim that we are the best, we believe that we are getting better every day.

Our Mission

To become the preferred leading European travel agency and tour operator with a global coverage of destinations by placing products respectful to the local cultures, providing efficient solutions at business and leisure travels in context of safe and responsible tourism.

Our Vision

To be a travel agency and a tour operator with continued growth, loyal customer care, low unit cost, a well engaged staff, who is able to provide outstanding travel & event experiences by creating tailor-made - inspiring journeys, meetings, events, incentive trips which enables Protso Group to have a leader market positioning at global travel solutions.

Core Values
  • Fair Trade and Transparent Business
  • Teamwork
  • Customer Care and Satisfaction
  • Solution Oriented Approach
  • Productivity - Teamwork
  • Leadership - Accessibility - Innovation
Über Uns

Die Travel Management Company Protso TMC, deren Name sich von der Abkürzung "Professional Travel Solutions" ableitet, wurde 2018 in Tallinn, Estland, gegründet. Zwei Jahre später wurde The Destination Management Company Protso DMC in Antalya, Türkei, mit der gleichen Philosophie gegründet um professionelle Reiselösungen speziell im "globalen Tourismus" anzubieten.

Die Unternehmer der Protso Group verfügen über langjährige Erfahrung in der Tourismusbranche, die von Großeltern weitergegeben wurde. Aufgrund des effektiven „Supply-Chain-Mechanismus“, des kunden- und lösungsorientierten Ansatzes ist es jungen Unternehmern bereits gelungen, Reiseleistungen in zahlreichen beliebten Reisezielen zu planen und zu koordinieren.

Aufgrund der Filiale in der EU und Türkei bietet die Protso Group ihren Partnern und Kunden eine Vielzahl von Kooperationsmöglichkeiten.

Wir behaupten nicht, dass wir die Besten sind, wir glauben, dass wir jeden Tag besser werden.

Unsere Mission

Das bevorzugte führende europäische Reisebüro und Reiseveranstalter mit einer globalen Abdeckung von Reisezielen zu werden, indem Produkte, die die lokalen Kulturen respektieren, und effiziente Lösungen für Geschäfts- und Urlaubsreisen im Rahmen eines sicheren und verantwortungsbewussten Tourismus anbieten.

Unsere Vision

Ein Reisebüro und Reiseveranstalter mit kontinuierlichem Wachstum, loyaler Kundenbetreuung, niedrigen Kosten pro Einheit, engagierten Mitarbeitern zu werden, die in der Lage sind, herausragende Reise- und Eventerlebnisse zu organisieren, indem sie maßgeschneiderte Reisen, Meetings, Events, Incentives und weitere Produkte gestalten, die es der Protso Group ermöglichen, eine führende Marktpositionierung bei globalen Reiselösungen einzunehmen.

  • Fairer Handel und transparentes Geschäft
  • Zusammenarbeit
  • Kundenbetreuung und -zufriedenheit
  • Lösungsorientierter Ansatz
  • Produktivität - Teamwork
  • Führung - Zugänglichkeit – Innovation
About Us

The Travel Management Company Protso TMC, whose name comes from the abbreviation "Professional Travel Service", was founded in Tallinn, Estonia in 2018, Two years later, The Destination Management Company Protso DMC was founded in Antalya, Turkey with the same philosophy of offering professional travel solutions especially in "incoming tourism".

The entrepreneurs of the Protso Group have many years of experience in the tourism industry that has been passed on from grandparents. Due to the effective supply chain mechanism, customer and solution-oriented approach, young entrepreneurs have already achieved to plan and coordinate travel services in numerous popular travel destinations.

Due to the multiple companies, Protso Group offers their partners and customers in many countries a variety of cooperation opportunities.

We don't claim that we are the best, we believe that we are getting better every day.

Our Mission

To become the preferred leading European travel agency and tour operator with a global coverage of destinations by placing products respectful to the local cultures, providing efficient solutions at business and leisure travels in context of safe and responsible tourism.

Our Vision

To be a travel agency and a tour operator with continued growth, loyal customer care, low unit cost, a well engaged staff, who is able to provide outstanding travel & event experiences by creating tailor-made - inspiring journeys, meetings, events, incentive trips which enables Protso Group to have a leader market positioning at global travel solutions.

Core Values
  • Fair Trade and Transparent Business
  • Teamwork
  • Customer Care and Satisfaction
  • Solution Oriented Approach
  • Productivity - Teamwork
  • Leadership - Accessibility - Innovation
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